
Modern Digital and Analog Communication Systems (4th Edition)

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Download Modern Digital and Analog Communication Systems (4th Edition) written by B. P. Lathi, Zhi Ding in PDF format. This book is under the category Communication and bearing the isbn/isbn13 number 195331451/9780195331455. You may reffer the table below for additional details of the book. We do NOT provide access codes, we provide eBooks ONLY. Instant access will be granted as soon as you complete the payment.

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B. P. Lathi, Zhi Ding


Oxford University Press; 4th edition




1004 pages







Book Description

The Modern Digital and Analog Communication Systems 4th edition (PDF), which is part of the series The Oxford Series in Electrical and Computer Engineering, is one of the most helpful resources available on the topic of communication systems in electrical engineering and makes for an excellent first textbook on the topic. The authors first present the fundamentals of systems and signals as well as core communication topics, and then they present the tools that are essential to the analysis and design of digital communications. They do this while retaining the excellent pedagogical style that was used in the first three editions of the book. This textbook offers students easy access to a comprehensive coverage of modern communication system theory and application. It does this by combining heuristics and mathematics in a way that is seamless; by providing examples that are carefully crafted to clarify mathematical abstractions; and by providing exercises in MATLAB that have been updated as well as brand new ones.

Students in higher education, whether they have or have not had prior exposure to probability theory, are a good fit for the fourth edition of Modern Digital and Analog Communication Systems. The authors do not go into analyses of communication systems that need probability theory and random processes until after they have first established a robust basis for the operation of communication systems. The CDMA and OFDM technologies, as well as pervasive communication applications like wireless LAN systems, cellular systems, and DSL modem technology services are all reflected in the fourth edition, which has been expanded, revised, and updated throughout. It also takes into account the numerous technological advancements that have been made in the field.



  • Available to all students, even those who have no prior knowledge of probability theory
  • Numerous examples from the real world that can be applied to the pupils' day-to-day activities
  • Wherever it is feasible, provides intuitive insights in place of only providing proofs, in addition to offering heuristic explanations of theoretical results.
  • The organization is flexible (it is stated in the prologue), which allows it to handle a variety of different course structures, such as one semester, two semesters, one quarter, and two quarters.



“The writing style is superb: succinct, clear, and easy to understand. My pupils will benefit from the fact that the textbook has both a straightforward introduction to the technical material and engaging explanations and examples. — Xiaohua Li; the University of Binghamton

“The most significant benefit of modern digital and analog communication is that it uses a vocabulary that is easy to understand and relies on straightforward mathematical approaches to describe the complex signal processing theories that are included into communication systems.” — Shengli Fu and the University of North Texas

PLEASE TAKE NOTE That the PDF version of the fourth edition of Modern Digital and Analog Communication Systems is all that is included in this purchase. There is a strict prohibition against including any online codes or web access.


B. P. Lathi, Zhi Ding


Oxford University Press; 4th edition




1004 pages








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