
Morpho: Face, Head, and Neck; Anatomy for Artists (1st Edition)


Download Morpho: Face, Head, and Neck; Anatomy for Artists (1st Edition) written by Michel Lauricella in PDF format. This book is under the category Arts - Techniques and bearing the isbn/isbn13 number 8888141642/9798888141649. You may reffer the table below for additional details of the book. We do NOT provide access codes, we provide eBooks ONLY. Instant access will be granted as soon as you complete the payment.

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Michel Lauricella










Rocky Nook

Book Description

“Morpho: Face, Head, and Neck; Anatomy for Artists” by Michel Lauricella is a comprehensive guide designed to help artists understand the anatomy of the face, head, and neck in order to improve their artistic skills. Here's an overview of the key features of this book:

  1. Anatomy Reference: The book serves as a detailed anatomy reference specifically tailored for artists. It provides a thorough examination of the underlying structures of the face, head, and neck, including muscles, bones, and other anatomical features.
  2. Visual Learning: The content is presented in a visually engaging manner, with numerous illustrations, diagrams, and photographs that depict the anatomical structures from various angles. This visual approach helps artists develop a deeper understanding of anatomy and how it translates into their artwork.
  3. Three-Dimensional Understanding: The book emphasizes a three-dimensional understanding of facial anatomy, allowing artists to accurately depict the complexities of human facial structure in their drawings, paintings, or sculptures. It covers topics such as facial proportions, expressions, and the underlying musculature responsible for different movements and emotions.
  4. Practical Application: In addition to providing anatomical knowledge, the book offers practical insights and tips for artists to apply this understanding in their artwork. It includes exercises, demonstrations, and step-by-step tutorials that guide artists through the process of drawing or sculpting realistic facial features.
  5. Artist-Friendly Language: The author presents complex anatomical concepts in a clear and accessible manner, using language that is easy for artists to understand. The focus is on providing practical information that can be directly applied to artistic practice, rather than on medical terminology or jargon.
  6. Comprehensive Coverage: While the primary focus is on facial anatomy, the book also covers related areas such as the head and neck. This comprehensive coverage ensures that artists have a holistic understanding of the anatomical structures relevant to portraiture and figure drawing.
  7. Inspiration and Creativity: Beyond anatomy, the book aims to inspire artists and foster creativity in their work. It encourages experimentation, observation, and a deeper appreciation of the human form, empowering artists to develop their own unique artistic style while maintaining anatomical accuracy.

Overall, “Morpho: Face, Head, and Neck; Anatomy for Artists” is a valuable resource for artists of all levels who are looking to enhance their understanding of facial anatomy and improve their ability to depict the human form in their artwork. Whether you're a beginner seeking foundational knowledge or an experienced artist looking to refine your skills, this book offers practical guidance and inspiration for artistic growth.


Michel Lauricella










Rocky Nook


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