History of Chemistry

With the thick book “History of chemistry” the author takes the reader on an interesting journey through the fascinating history of chemistry through the ages. In addition to the very valuable and extremely instructive facts from the challenging field of Chemistry, the book features a thousand pictures of stamps.

Each colorful stamp is related to a specific part of the world of chemistry. The author has been able to strike an excellent balance between events and facts from science, coincidences, research, technology, inventions and techniques and practical applications of all forms in which chemistry has developed and artfully illustrate it with the always fascinating picture stories on stamps and philatelic issues. In the richly illustrated “History of Chemistry” the author treats in a broad and expert way the origin of chemistry from prehistoric times, through alchemy, up to and including the transition to modern chemistry. From this large whole, attention is also paid to the structure of the atom, the periodic table of the elements, physical and analytical chemistry, industrial chemistry, biochemistry and inorganic chemistry. The stamps contain images of chemists, physicists, chemical processes and substances, formulas and symbols, devices and utensils and a multitude of subjects, each of which stands at the cradle of one or another chemical process.

Reading this mighty work for active and retired chemists, stamp collectors, and anyone interested in the origin and use of chemistry in our lives will provide owners with a wealth of useful information. With the contents of this inspiring source of information, stamp collectors have a document to quickly start setting up a thematic collection.
The book originated from the collection of thematic stamps from the field of chemistry with images of chemists and chemical processes. At a certain point there is a need to classify and provide texts for the expanded collection. Because of the knowledge about chemistry and the activities in the field, the choice was made quickly. The chemist will discover a new approach to the developments and will be able to confirm his ready knowledge or even retrieve it through the formulas. From A to Z, the content is of great value and captivatingly written for everyone. The interfaces with other disciplines provide an instructive and surprising picture of the invaluable value of chemistry. The author chose beautiful historical plates with working scientists and many authentic photos and images. He drew from his own collection with many canceled and canceled stamps and had them printed in a playful way. However, on page 219 of the book there are two stamps printed upside down.
In any case, it is a book to own and to give as a gift to others.